RYA Yachtmaster Exam Preparation Course, 4 Days (1-4 Feb 24 [Thu-Sun] 2024)

The 4 day course costs HK$11,200.  Payment is not required until your place has been approved.  When approved you will be notified and an invoice will be sent by email.

  • This will be the name printed on the course certificate.
    Use your name as shown in your passport.

    Please provide a contact phone number (preferably mobile) so we can contact you quickly

  • When allocating sleeping cabins they will be assigned to members of the same gender unless a student request an alternative partner.  Cabins are usually assigned in the order of booking with the earliest bookings being allocated the largest cabins.

    Please confirm your if you are over 18 years old.  We do accept younger students but note that there are age limitations on some courses.

    Enter the students age

  • Do you suffer from any food allergies or do you have any special dietary requirements?

    Please give details of any food allergies or special dietary requirements. Please note that we can only cater for basic dietary needs onboard. If you have special requirements we will do our best to cater for those needs, but we may require you to provision some of your own food if we are unable to support your needs.

    Sailing can be physically demanding and requires a reasonable level of physical fitness. Please provide details if you have any doubts about your physical ability to complete the course e.g. medical conditions, disability, pregnancy, etc.

    Please provide details of your medical limitations so we can review and advise you on the suitability of the course. 

    I understand this course is taught in English and that I need to be able to converse in English.  Some courses do have Cantonese and Mandarin speaking instructors but this will not be the primary teaching language. 

    You will require proof of 30 days at sea on a yacht less than 24m, including 2 days as skipper, 800 miles and 12 night hours  (if you hold the Coastal Skipper certificate this is reduced to 12 days, 2 days as skipper, 400 miles and 12 night hours).  Half the qualifying sea time must be conducted in tidal waters.  All qualifying seatime must be within 10 years prior to the exam.

    Your will require proof of:

    1.  50 days, 2,500 miles on a yacht up to 500gt (at least 50% of qualifying mileage must be completed on a yacht less than 24m LOA).
    2.  5 x passages over 60nm, including 2 as skipper and 2 overnight on a yacht less then 24m (click here for more details).

    At least half the mileage be in tidal waters and all qualifying seatime must be within 10 years prior to the exam.

    Please upload your logbook to provide evidence that you have logged the required pre-exam experience.  This can be either a scan of a hard copy or electronic logbook.  If you don't currently have a logbook then you will need to make one up retrospectively to at least demonstrate you have the minimum experience required and email to mail@asiapacificyachting mail@asiapacificyachting.com as soon as you can.  If you need a logbook template click this link: Logbook Template.

    • (max file size 32 MB)

    Provide details of how you plan to complete the required Qualifying Experience before your course or exam.

    Do you have a GMDSS SRC (VHF) or higher radio licence?

    Please upload your GMDSS SRC (VHF) or higher radio licence or email to mail@asiapacificyachting.com.

    • (max file size 32 MB)

    Provide details of how you will gain your GMDSS SRC (VHF) licence before your Yachtmaster exam e.g. course dates.

    Do you have a First Aid certificate that will be in date when you take your Yachtmaster exam?  For details on acceptable First Aid certificates click here.

    Please upload your current First Aid certificate or email to mail@asiapacificyachting.com.

    • (max file size 32 MB)

    Provide details of how you will gain your First Aid certificate before your Yachtmaster exam e.g. course dates.

    We require all candidates to have theory knowledge up to the level of the RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore theory course.  Unless you can demonstrate this knowledge via some recognisable certification, we will require a completion certificate of the RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore theory course before your RYA exam and preferably before the practical preparation course.  If you have not yet taken this course please note that it is about 50hrs of self led online study and it's important not to underestimate the level of effort required to complete this course (for students who are busy this can take months).  You can start this course at any time by purchasing the course on the APY website (click here).

    Please upload your RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore theory course certificate or email to mail@asiapacificyachting.com.

    • (max file size 32 MB)

    Please upload your evidence of theory knowledge equivalent to the RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore theory course certificate or email to mail@asiapacificyachting.com.

    • (max file size 32 MB)

    Additional Notes

    Please provide any other relevant information.

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