The HK Pleasure Vessel Operators Certificate Grade II entitles the holder to take charge of a pleasure vessel of not more than 15m in length overall operating in Hong Kong waters. Consult the HK Marine Department website for further information (HKMD Exams):
Unlike the PVOC 1, the HK Marine Director does not recognize any RYA qualifications (or indeed any other) as being a “certificate that is relevant to the standard”1 to the HK Pleasure Vessel Operators Certificate Grade 2. This is primarily due to the requirements to be familiar with the “Local Knowledge”.
We do not run a specific course to prepare candidates for the HK Pleasure Vessel Operators Certificate Grade II. Instead we encompass this syllabus into our other courses. By completing the following RYA courses and Hong Kong Handbook students will be well prepared for the Grade 2 exam which must be booked and taken at the Hong Kong Marine Department:
- RYA Day Skipper Theory Course.
- RYA Day Skipper Practical Course.
- Revise the Pleasure Vessel Operator’s Handbook available from bookstores.
- HKMD PVOC2 Examination Guidebook (click image to download).
This method of learning gives you a great deal more experience in the theory and its practical application than the other pure academic routes normally encountered in Hong Kong. Post the examination you will have the confidence and experience necessary to take a vessel of less than 15m out and apply what you have learnt.
Alternatively, for a pure academic route the Hong Kong Sailing Federation runs a Pleasure Vessel Competency Training and Assessment Course. We are contracted by the HKSF to teach on some of these courses.