RYA Cruising Instructor Course, 5 Days (25 Feb & 27-1 Mar 24 [Sun & Tue-Fri] 2024)


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  • This will be the name printed on the course certificate.
    Use your name as shown in your passport.

    Please provide a contact phone number (preferably mobile) so we can contact you quickly

  • Do you suffer from any food allergies or do you have any special dietary requirements?

    Please give details of any food allergies or special dietary requirements. Please note that we can only cater for basic dietary needs onboard. If you have special requirements we will do our best to cater for those needs, but we may require you to provision some of your own food if we are unable to support your needs.

    Sailing can be physically demanding and requires a reasonable level of physical fitness. Please provide details if you have any doubts about your physical ability to complete the course e.g. medical conditions, disability, pregnancy, etc.

    Please provide details of your medical limitations so we can review and advise you on the suitability of the course. 

    I understand this course is taught in English and that I need to be able to converse in English.  Some courses do have Cantonese and Mandarin speaking instructors but this will not be the primary teaching language. 

  • YM Offshore Certificate of Competence

    Do you have a RYA Yachtmaster Offshore certificate or competence that is Commercially Endorsed and is in date?

    Please upload your RYA Yachtmaster Offshore CoC with Commercial Endorsement or email to mail@asiapacificyachting.com.

    • (max file size 32 MB)

    Provide details of how you will gain your RYA Yachtmaster Offshore CoC with Commercial Endorsement before or very soon after your course.

    Additional Notes

    Please provide any other relevant information.

SKU: apy-150-240225s Category: Tag: